Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cute on the Hanger

Thank you, every woman who writes negative comments about a garment she bought online. You help me avoid that deflating moment when I rip open a UPS envelope, try on the adorable sweater or wear-everywhere dress inside...and realize that, at least on me, the item is nothing like what I imagined.

Here are a few articulate and creative comments from disappointed online clothes shoppers:

in real life this was a dud

felt like it was made out of an old tire

poufs out in the appearance of a stomach where there is none!

bagged at the bust

much gaping in the armhole area

requires considerable bust to avoid gaping

ballooned at the knee

Cute on the hanger, but I am constantly trying to adjust the top to keep from "exposing" myself. Even double sided tape doesn't work. Simply hate it.

I hated the fit of the pockets, they popped out and looked like parenthesis ( and ).

might as well wear a long pillow case

very synthetic looking meltable fabric

might have worked if I gained weight and grew

better on someone with an apple-shaped body

may be perfect for the girl with no padding in her posterior

if I had a narrower waist and more of a behind, these pants might be really cute

these cords just make me sad

sad to see these go back in the mail

sad to have to return

sadly, I had to send this back


  1. Hahahaha! So funny and yet so true! And 'OH NO!!'. I am expecting a package of mail-ordered clothing that looked soooooo cute in the catalog tomorrow. Hope I'm not disappointed that I had them overnight shipped because i was so excited. ;)
    XO Margaret

  2. How did it work out, Margaret? Hope all went well!
