Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Guessabout at One Year

Just over a year ago, I launched this blog, guessabout. It's been a pleasure to share thoughts on its theme, as stated in the first post:
"Guessabout is about making our best guesses given life's many unknowns and moving parts. It's also about how all the unknowns and moving parts make life dynamic, mysterious, scary, delightful and exciting."
Thank you so much for reading and for sharing your comments here and on Facebook. I deeply appreciate it.

Recent experience reminds me to, let's say, respect the mystery and variations of life. No one wants to hear some officious prig--standing at a lectern or sitting across a dinner table--spew some precise but narrow rant. I don't trust that attitude, even if I find it hard to argue details with such people. It's judgemental and very limited. Life is an unfolding mystery, and no matter how much we know for sure (and we should learn as much as possible), there's always more that remains elusive.

Nobody communicated this better than Carl Sagan, in his intro to the Cosmos series. Since this series aired, some of the science has progressed, and the video style and music are outdated. But for me, his core view of life rings as true now as it did then. It's worth a listen.


  1. "Life is an unfolding mystery." Yes.......

    And that makes me so very happy!

    Congratulations on one year!

    XO Margaret

  2. Makes me happy, too. Thanks, Margaret -- xo
