Friday, January 20, 2012

The Thaw

Soon, the thaw gets messy. Storm drains clog, cars hydroplane, and freshly walked dogs drip all over carpets. But for the first few hours of the big thaw, when the world transitions from freezing and white to warm and colorful, it is beautiful. The snow lets go, slowly revealing what's under it. Nothing is definite yet. But, there is no rush, and there is no resistance.

Sled Under Melting Snow


  1. I love this photo. What a beautiful eye you have!

    It's kind of a gloriously sloppy mess out there right now, isn't it?

  2. Sarah, thanks! Yep, it's pretty sloppy out there now... -- Cheers, Michele

  3. Very pretty! So looks like we missed a lot of the thaw.....and might have a big mess to get back to. But thank you for showing the good and the beautiful! Margaret

  4. Thanks, Margaret. I loved and shared on FB your latest thisfriendlyvillage post. Excellent!!
